Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Half Life 3 Logo Spotted in Keyboard Trailer

The Half Life Logo Buzz

For the die-hard Half Life fans out there, something has just started a buzz regarding the fabled return of an instant classic.

In a new trailer for an intense gaming keyboard called S.T.R.I.K.E. 7 made by Mad Catz Interactive, the infamous Half Life icon can be seen at the 0:23 second mark.  Looking closely at the control device known as the V.E.N.O.M, you can see a bunch of tiny icons.  The one that has created all the buzz can be clearly seen in the trailer.  The trailer was displayed at this years GamesCom.

Heres the video trailer of the keyboard,  Be sure to look at the keyboard display at 0:23

Half Life 3 Rumors and Answers

Previous hypes, one in particular, have been acknowledged and disproved by Valve.  One in particular was when a few Valve employees wore shirts displaying the Half-Life 3 apparent logo, which is the same one in the trailer.  Another time when rumors spread about the games debut at E3 of last year and had the same result; no Half-Life 3 at E3.  Even after the E3 disappointment, rumors spread again regarding the mythical appearance of the game at GamesCom in Cologne, Germany. (I wonder if that is where cologne was invented?)

Picture of Half Life 3 Shirt

The resulting outcome was somewhat not expected because although IGN confirmed that Valve said they would not be showing anything at GameCom, their logo did appear in a third party keyboard trailer at an event  that Valve claimed they were not making an appearance.  Seeing as how almost all the icons displayed on the V.E.N.O.M. were related to Valve, the underlying assumption to me is that it  is one big coincidence.  Then again,a flip-side story could be told like Mad Catz is just trying to pull people's legs or just to simply advertise their gaming keyboard.

As a huge Half Life fan, I really hope Valve gives us something to work with soon and not just these constant denials of rumors.  For a game that has so much pull on its fans, I am sure many others are hoping for the same.